söndag 22 februari 2009

Bok under bearbetning

Detta är inspirerande, motiverande, entusiasmerande, engagerande - ja, hela baletten.

Ett avtal har just undertecknats med Förlaget Studentlitteratur i Lund om utgivandet av en bok under bearbetning. Det skall handla om förhållandet mellan talare och publik. Mycket har skrivits om retorik och det mesta drunknar till den grad i latinska termer, att det ofta blir på gränsen till oförståeligt. Det akademiska "ordsnubbleriet" (jag undviker det andra ordet) vid beskrivningar av retorik är just motsatsen till den enkelhet som bör eftersträvas vid muntliga framställningar. Denna bok skall bli enkel och fräsch. Många böcker har skrivits om talandets konst men ännu ingen bok som avspeglar mina erfarenheter.


På någons grav stod
"Sörj inte över att jag inte finns, gläds över att jag har funnits!"

Trots varm sympati för alla som kan bli arbetslösa om och när SAAB läggs ner vill jag ändå ge tipset att tänka om. Ni har haft fördelen att under upp till 20 års tid ha haft arbete och få lön trots att ni arbetat i ett företag som gradvis förblött. Ni har fått bröd trots företagets död. Var tacksamma, inte förbannade.

Sörj inte över att ditt arbete försvinner, gläds över att det har funnits!

onsdag 7 januari 2009

Talent is Overrated

I would like to recommend all to have a look at Geoff Colvins web site. His book "Talent is Overrated" is worthwhile studying. You will get a good picture of his thinking on his website. Check it out on http://www.geoffcolvin.com/. The fact that talent is overrated does however not mean that talent is of no importance. A perfect "ear" will considerably assist a musician. An athletic body will be an advantage in sports, good looks will help a stage performer to acheive that little extra. BUT the main reason for success is preparation and training. Geoff gives an array of examples to prove his point.

fredag 19 december 2008

Speech by CEO of Coca Cola

Hi . . . .
"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you're keeping all of these in the Air.
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball.
If you drop it, it will bounce back.
But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it.
"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right."

söndag 14 december 2008

Speaking Tips/Talartips

The latest publication Speaking Tips #47 is now up. you can find all 47 issues here. Swedish version Talartips # 47 and all Swedish issues here.
The title is "A Self-critical Evaluation" which is my evaluation of my speech on YouTube.

Self Realization

I have been thinking (for a change). I have always wondered why so many people at some stage in life start doubting that they are they! This doubt seems to inspire them to start looking for their true selves in order to find out who they really are. But what do they expect to find? After all we are the results of a myriad of influences. There is no such thing as our genuine egos. The nearest we can possibly come is the very moment we were delivered into the world. The moment after we were already subject to influences. So what are they looking for? Has anybody ever found him/herself? No, of course not! In fact if there is a reason to think that there is a true self somewhere the presupposition is that the present is not ones true self. Concequently, if one finds ones true self somewhere that person will logically be somebody else. And if it is somebody else, then that is not you! So I wonder why people put time, feelings and effort in trying to find somebody else when we can find millions of other people around us without the slightest effort.

onsdag 3 december 2008

No chewing - back to normal!

This proves my point. No chewing gum, one week and back to 76,2 kg.